Friday, October 19, 2018

Language-Focused Family Engagement

Here's a link to a family engagement bulletin from WIDA's last news extra:

Focus Bulletin on Language-Focused Family Engagement

October EL Coordinator Agenda - Updated Links

The agenda from our last meeting has been updated with the links from the presenters, as well as links to various resources we discussed at the meeting. You can access the agenda by clicking on the following link:

EL Coordinator Network Agenda - October 2018

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

High Impact Strategies for ELs Workshop

This workshop will focus on research-based strategies that educators can use to help English Learners develop their academic language skills in the four domains: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The workshop will also address strategies to meet the social-emotional needs of newcomers and other ELs. Click on the link to view the flyer and register: High Impact Strategies Flyer

High Impact Strategies.png