Identifying ELs

Home Language Survey

A Home Language Survey (HLS) is a series of questions asked of all students at the time of enrollment. These questions are designed to determine if a student is exposed to languages other than English at home, as such exposure is one indication that they may not be proficient in English. The Home Language Survey is a tool which helps schools determine which students should be screened for English Language Proficiency (ELP) and possibly offered English Learner (EL) services.

For more information, see DPI EL Handbook Chapter 1.


English Language Proficiency Screening

Federal and state laws require the identification of English Learners (ELs) within the first 30 days of the school year or within 2 weeks for those enrolled during the school year. Approved English Language Proficiency (ELP) screeners are listed below.

WIDA MODEL (paper or online) - For students in kindergarten

WIDA Screener (paper or online) - For students in grades K-12

For more information, see the DPI EL Handbook Chapter 2.

Making an EL Determination

The overall composite score from an ELP screener is used as one of multiple measures to determine if a student is an EL and should be receiving EL services. A score of 6.0 indicates that a student is not an EL, and should not receive services. Scores below 6.0 indicate EL status and a need for services.

For more information, see the DPI EL Handbook Chapter 3