Reclassifying ELs

Reclassification and Monitoring

Students who are reclassified to "Former EL" status (ELP code 6 in district SIS) and exited from EL services should be able to engage with content in English and demonstrate sufficient command of English to be socially and academically successful. A reclassified student should be able to work independently, provided they have the same access to universal supports as non-ELs (DPI EL Handbook).

When to Reclassify:
- Students MUST be reclassified if they reach an overall composite of 5.0 or greater on ACCESS.
- Sutdents MAY be reclassified if they reach an overall composite of 4.5-4.9 on ACCESS and they have evidence showing proficiency as identified in the Multiple Indicator Protocol (MIP).

A transition plan should be created when students approach an overall composite score of 4.0 and should include a timeline of when and how the student will move out of supports that are no longer needed.

Exited students should be monitored for two years, and data should be collected to show continued progress and identify any areas of need. The MIP, along with other data, can be used to reclassify an exited student back into EL services, if necessary.

For more information, see the DPI EL Handbook Chapter 6.

Multiple Indicator Protocol (MIP)

The MIP is a data collection process used to reclassify students into/out of EL status. Data points include classroom observations and portfolios of student artifacts that show the student's English proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

For more information, see the DPI EL Handbook Chapters 15, 15a, and 15b.

Potential Misclassification

Students who were potentially misclassified (either as ELs or non-ELs) can be reclassified using a collection of resources, including the Home Language Survey, ACCESS test results, MIP data, and family/school communication.

For more information, see the DPI EL Handbook Chapter 4